Intermission — Landscape Architecture Portfolio


Two months ago, I shared a post about the struggles of returning to a life on the road following the accident back in February. I titled it "Returning to the Road (Part 1)," with the intent of breaking the story into two parts - the initial shock of revisiting the scene of the accident and then the process of returning to my nomadic lifestyle while dealing with the physical and emotional recovery that came with it.

For two months now, that second part has been sitting complete in my drafts folder, fully formed and ready to post. The reason that I haven't shared it yet has to do with the lawsuit between myself and the tire manufacturer. My attorney and I have discussed at length what I should and should not share regarding my health until the case has resolved, a process that could potentially take another two or three years. I've spoken with many of you regarding the state of my health since I left El Paso at the beginning of June and I'm more than happy to share that information privately with anyone else who wants to know - I feel very fortunate to know that there are so many people out there pulling for me and keeping me in their hearts and minds. 

Until I receive the green-light to release "Returning to the Road (Part II), I thought I'd share some photos and anecdotes from earlier in the trip. So much has changed since then that when I look back through the collection of photos on my hard drive, it feels like voyeurism into someone else's life. I hope to start curating them soon and posting some of the more interesting ones, along with the anecdotes behind them.

