"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed"
-Francis Bacon
I took an interest in landscape architecture as a means of enhancing our experiences within the natural environment by way of responsible land planning and context-sensitive design. I believe in working with nature instead of against it. This is a collection of what I have accomplished so far.
Professional Practice
This gallery includes only some of the many projects that I am proud to have worked on during my time in Nashville, Austin and Memphis.
Undergrad Projects
This is a collection of projects I completed during my time as an undergrad at the University of Georgia's College of Environment + Design.
Personal Projects
I've always been a "hands on" kind of guy and I like to put those hands to good use. This is a gallery of some things I've put together over the last few years.
Questions, Comments, Concerns? Shoot me an email or stop by if you're in the area.